Thursday, August 9, 2007

Favorite L.A. Korean Restaurants

Ok, so I am a total sucker for Korean food....kimchi and rice...that's all I need. Of course there are very specific places for certain Korean dishes....

Soon Tofu
So the first thing I was craving after getting back from Europe is Soon Tofu....this stuff is sooooo are my fav tofu joints:

1) SoKongDong (Do not miss the spicy raw crab...OMG!)
2) Beverly Soon Tofu (Not only is their tofu tasty, but their grilled squid is to-die-for!)
3) Tofu-Ya (Best in West L.A. area)
4) BCD Tofu House (good for after partying....)

Ban Chan from Beverly Soon Tofu
Beverly Soon Tofu - DAMN!
Grilled Spicy Squid from Beverly Soon Tofu

Korean are my top picks...

All you can eat (gas stove): Mu Dung San (On Western and Conneticut). This place is awesome...I can never get sick of it. The service has slipped a little since it first opened (waitresses are pretty unresponsive). But all things aside, the meat is delicious. Rib eye, brisket, sirloin, pork belly, and even the chicken! Loved all of it and can't be beat for $15.99/person.

All you can eat (charcoal): Soot Bull Jeep (on 3136 W. Eight Street) It's super smokey...but awesome grill! The meat is delicious, the sides are generous and they even serve cold noodles at the end to cleanse the palate.

Mom at Mu Dung San :)

1 comment:

Stephalicious said...

Ooh! Great picks. I love Soodongkong too, especially the Spicy Raw Crab :)